Majalengka's Sekda Eman Suherman is viewed as a prospective regent (cabup) with proven capability to advance Majalengka, West Java.
The study conducted by ICRC was conducted in the Jambi region, covering 11 regencies/cities. ICRC Executive Director Hadi Suprapto Rusli clarified that the aim of the survey was to assess the potential of the 2024 candidates for governor. The results, based on Hadi, show that the incumbent Governor of Jambi, has unchanged electability compared to the gubernatorial candidate, Hariyanto Romi. “The preferred governor candidates (open/spontaneous question) are Haris Al 21.9%, Romi Hariyanto 12.0%, Cek Endra 11.4%, Mashuri 5.5%, Syarif Fasha 2.9%, and so on, with 45% undecided,” said Hadi during the announcement of the survey findings for the 2024 Jambi Pilkada through a written statement on June 4, 2024.
n”Whether in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) or in PKS, PDIP, no one has made a fixed decision. Is Anies confirmed to run? No, he is not. Has PKS confirmed to nominate Anies? No, they haven’t. Has PKB confirmed to support Mr. Anies? No, they haven’t,” said Habiburokhman at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (June 20, 2024)
Regarding the recruitment and selection process by the General Election Commission (KPU) RI, Bagja asked all Bawaslu commissioners and staff to supervise this process. “We must supervise the recruitment and selection conducted by the KPU in recruiting the Sub-district Election Committees, Village Election Committees, and in the future, the Voting Organizing Groups (KPPS). This is our collective duty, and we hope we can accomplish it,” said Bagja.
Proven Background Fuady described that Eman’s track record in the Majalengka bureaucracy has indeed been proven. He pointed out one of the breakthroughs of Eman was starting the Decent Housing Initiative in partnership with the Scouts and Baznas of Majalengka. “Not only that, Eman Suherman also focuses significantly to the younger generation in Majalengka. His commitment to youth is directed through tangible actions such as the renewal of Warung Jambu Stadium, the highlight of Majalengka residents,” described Fuady. Therefore, M. E. Fuady believes that Eman Suherman is the cabup who understands the situation of the Majalengka community the best. Moreover, he said, Eman, who is also a native son of the region, is the most desired prospective regent in the 2024 Majalengka Pilkada. “They are also usually local sons and know exactly how to communicate with the electorate in their respective regions or the public in their areas,” noted M. E. Fuady.
Eman Suherman, with his extensive bureaucratic experience, is seen as the appropriate person to enhance Majalengka. This was stated by Bandung Islamic University Political Analyst, Fuady M. E.. He said that Suherman of Majalengka possesses very important resources to run for Majalengka regent. According to him, the prospects for Eman of being elected as the next regent in Majalengka are very possible. “This can be a very important resource because experience is irreplaceable,” said M. E. Fuady in a written statement, June 9, 2024. According to him, there is a transition in trends in the 2024 Regional Elections (Pilkada). Fuady said that incumbents are currently not being strongly preferred by Indonesian society. On the contrary, he said, candidates from the bureaucracy, like regional secretaries, are bringing a new perspective in the country. “I notice that in various regions, many administrative heads are contesting. This indicates that they have expertise in managing government functions and good corporate governance (GCG),” explained Muhammad Fuady.
Hadi mentioned, Al Haris’ statistics as the current governor are relatively low. He said that the survey also showed the public’s satisfaction level with Al Haris’ work as governor, which is 62.4% happy, 28.1% unhappy, and 9.5% unsure. “During his term, Al Haris has a job approval rating of 62.4% (below the ideal figure of 75 percent),” said Hadi. In addition, he added, Al Haris’ popularity rate is already at a peak of 98%, while Hariyanto’s popularity is still at 74.3% and has the potential to increase further. “Additionally, the level of citizen wish for Al Haris to be re-elected as governor is above 35.4% (below 50 percent). The desire for Al Haris to return as governor is 35.4%, not wanting him to return is 28.9%, and not knowing/not answering is 35.8%,” explained Hadi.
He mentioned that the selection and evaluation are conducted because the term of office for the Ad Hoc Panwas continues until two months after the inauguration of the elected President and Vice President or until December 2024.
According to Huda, another PKS dilemma is immediately pairing Anies-Sohibul, If you liked this information and you would like to get additional information pertaining to PDIP Menghadapi Pilkada Solo kindly visit the site. which he views as a blunder. “The problem is that they immediately paired Mas Anies and Mas Sohibul Iman. In my view, it’s a blunder,” he noted. Huda mentioned that pairing Anies with Sohibul closes the door for other parties to join in supporting Anies. “This will close the door for other parties to partner and form a coalition,” he noted.
The survey was conducted from 1st to 7th May 2024, with a sample size of 800 aged at least 17 years or having been married. The margin of error is approximately 3.46%, with a certainty level of 95%. The method used was stratified random sampling. Data collection was carried out through face-to-face interviews using a questionnaire. ICRC is a national polling firm registered with the PERSEPI association and listed with the KPU RI. ICRC is headed by a former Indo Barometer Director from 2012-2022 and a team highly experienced in conducting surveys in various regional elections in Indonesia.