LIMARC Reflector Rules on

By posting to the LIMARC Reflector, you are agreeing to adhere to the following:

1. Only paid up LIMARC members in good standing are allowed to post to The LIMARC Reflector.

2. All information posted should be specifically related to Amateur Radio, LIMARC Club events/meetings or LIMARC related material. Non-ham related information will be permitted ONLY IF it will be of benefit to a majority of the club’s membership.

3. ALL posts must be identified with the sender’s NAME and FULL CALLSIGN, regardless of whether that information exists elsewhere in the post or within the email address headers.

4. The SUBJECT of the message should summarize the basic thoughts contained within the TEXT. Please do NOT post messages with .

5. When replying to a previous post or “thread,” please try to remove the previous text you are replying to, you can use “snippets” or a line of previously posted text as a reference point when making multiple responses to a posting or “thread.” This makes it easier to read messages and replies to them.

6. NO text encoding should be included in any message. Please post messages in PLAIN English text only, so that everyone can read them!

7. Attachments unfortunately are NOT permitted by IO Groups. If you have a file that you wish to share with members of The LIMARC Reflector, please upload it to the files section of The LIMARC Reflector’s webpage. If it is a file with a defined lifespan, please remove or delete it after it has gone “stale.”

8. Website links may be included and are encouraged as long as the links have been checked before posting (This is to avoid dead or inoperable links). Do NOT quote/cut/paste any information verbatim from other websites without prior authorization (this may be copyrighted material). A description of what can be found at any posted link(s) should be included.

9. Authors of improper messages or messages that do not conform to this posting policy will be first warned. After the first warning, it will be at the moderator’s discretion as to whether further postings will be allowed by that person. The moderators may choose to review all posts made by that person prior to release to the reflector. A process for appeal of this level of moderation will be presented to anyone who has to be “moderated” in this manner.

10. Lastly, a person may be unsubscribed for cause, or for ignoring posting policies of The LIMARC Reflector.