K2RIW Tribute Page
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douglas.nopper@gmail.com |
I just learned of Dick’s passing yesterday and am still in a bit of shock. I too count myself blessed for having known Dick, and all the comments above ring very true. I met Dick over 20 years ago via a good friend (ZIW), and was very fortunate to spend time with him at barbecues, ham fests and his home. He was kind, smart, funny and always made you think without ever putting you down. I will always remember his stories about repurposing lasers from laser printers, his swing-away mailbox (he was tired of the snow plow knocking it over) and how he was watering the tower in the back yard, making it grow taller(!). I can think of many other stories, too many to list. My condolences to his wife and family, he was a good man who lead a good life. And as much as I am sad for him now, I can hear him say in his kind tone, “dying is just another part of living”. Douglas J. Nopper |
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Tim.Austin@Zebra.com |
Only just heard the sad news and felt moved to write. Dick was an amazing individual and I feel blessed to have known and worked with him: I can tell those of you who may only have known him through TechNet that he was just the same in person: friendly, kind and knowledgeable. He had an inquiring mind, a willingness to explore new ideas to see where they’d go and a desire to pass on the things he’d learned to the rest of us. A true engineer in the best sense of the word and somebody who has achieved a level of immortality: may we all do our part to ensure the technical and human lessons he taught us continue to spread through time. |
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mik.stern@zebra.com |
I knew Dick from the time he consulted with Motorola Solutions in Holtsville, and just found out about his passing. He was a truly amazing person with a vast amount of knowledge, and unlimited interest of new things to learn. It was a privilege to have known him. Every time I saw him he had some interesting scientific or historical gem to share. But even more important than his technical knowledge, I was impressed by his humanity. He was kind and friendly to everyone, and made everyone feel as if they were the most important and most interesting person he has ever met. His legacy will stay with everyone who was lucky enough to cross his path.
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Mark.Duron@Zebra.com |
I count myself extremely lucky to have worked with Dick for 10 to 12 years. He was a great mentor and a better friend. Dick was the expert (as Dick defined it “One who used to spurt”) that you could count on if the book didn’t have an answer. Dick and I wrote many dozens of patents together. There was a trio of us; Dick, myself and Mike Knox. When we came together, we formed a critical mass. It seemed that there was nothing we couldn’t achieve. You know, now that I think of it, Dick and I worked almost shoulder to shoulder for more than a decade, and in all of that time I can’t remember having had an argument ever. We disagreed quite often, and then we would set down and figure out why we disagreed. It would usually resolve to a new idea and patent. I’m sure am missing Dick. RIP Dick. I’ll be thinking of you. |
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miahjs@gmail.com |
It was impossible to have met Dick and not be educated (and bemused) by his immense knowledge and innumerable quirks….A true gem, unique and inspiring to SO many! Antennas, theories, books, puzzles, calculators, anecdotes. He could talk to ANYONE for hours. MIT Professors to mildly curious, his engineering acumen and good nature made every bit of his expansive wisdom accessible. We lost a great one….a good friend. |
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ccarrara@optonline.net |
In reply to Roberto Baca BARNARD.As mentioned in a previous post on this memorial, I have listened to the Technet and Dick for over 30 years, on and off via a scanner radio. I loved listening to him, and will miss his voice on Sunday nights. When I herd he had passed away, I immediately said “I was going to get my HAM license in Dicks honor”. Well, I passed the Tech test a month or so ago, and the general test last week in Dick K2RIW’s honor! Thanks Dick! Chris Carrara Congratulations, Chris! A great tribute to Dick’s memory. |
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vhfradio7@gmail.com |
I used to listen to the TechNet on the W2VL repeater every week whenever I had the time free, and you just never knew what the topic(s) were going to be! Dick was an absolute fountain of technical and RF knowledge. It was great to have gotten to know him, at least a little, through the VHF contests and then the TechNet. This year I have had some medical issues and some personal issues that have slowed my hamming activities, and then of course COVID-19 came along and messed up the rest of the world just for spite:) –But I was on again, finally, for UHF contest today, and some stations I worked told me that he had passed –and what a shock!! I wonder if there is anyone who has compiled any of Dick’s “treatises” on all those technical subjects over the years. He used to write up many replies to questions on the old VHF Email list, but since the Technet was all verbal, I wonder if maybe anyone ever recorded any of it?? It would be a most fitting (and useful!!) tribute to Dick to have this information compiled somewhere. |
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breg@goodlogic.com |
I listened to Dick on Tech Net every Sunday night in the early 90s. I had a voracious appetite for all things radio, and as a teacher, Dick was the shiniest star in the sky. As the host of Tech Net, he modeled good practices (such as how to ignore and even bypass malicious interference). I spent years listening without ever transmitting. Every question asked was an opportunity to confirm my understanding, or to learn something new. Dick’s answers were always so crisp, clear and complete. His patience was a benefit (and example) to all of us. Many elements of theory are relevant to many aspects of radio, and I always appreciated Dick’s willingness, for the sake of completeness, to repeat many of those foundational theories (e.g. the skin effect, capacitance and signal attenuation, etc.). His practical experience carried listeners from theory to real life examples, materials, components. When you take into account his kind sensitive demeanor to his great knowledge and ability to communicate, Dick stands out as an archetype of a GREAT TEACHER. He seemed to quietly know the value of that role, and hopefully presumed there were many silent people like myself absorbing his teachings. I’ve put those learnings to use for decades now, as untold numbers of others have undoubtedly done. The world has been enriched by his presence…he was a true contributor. It’s so sad to hear of his passing. But he leaves in each of us a memory of his legacy, and that is great cause for optimism: people can be really good, really helpful, really powerful agents of improvement on earth. Dick showed us ways that can be. In such a modest package can come such greatness. RIP Dick K2RIW.
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bran1har@mail.com |
This is heart breaking news. Today at Field Day we were talking about VHF/UHF topics and his name came up of course. Someone then passed on the news to me that he had passed. Heart breaking to hear to say the least. I’m not even from LI but many nights I listened to the Tech Net, sometimes until 1 AM without even thinking of dozing off because the conversations were just that engaging. First time I heard the Tech Net was probably 12 years ago I was scanning the 2 meter band late at night, I had just got into ham radio and all I had was a 2 meter rig. Being a newb to come across the Tech Net by accident was a real shocker, talk about sparking my interest early. It’s so exciting to find others who are so passionate and willing to teach others like Dick. I think the first conversation I listened in on was him and Wesley N2XJN very deep into something nuclear related of all things, no topics were off limits, except maybe Zennick Surface Waves. I loved it though, later on I got out of the hobby for about 10 years. I just got back into it this past year and the firs thing I did was join into a Tech Net and sure enough he was still running it. I thanked him every time for his dedication and patience. What a guy! Thanks to Roy AC2GS as well for your dedication as well to the Tech Net. I’ll miss hearing his voice, its one you will never forget.
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WB7AVF/2%20%20%20XE1GXGx xe1gxg@gmail.com |
Very sad to hear this gifted and brilliant man has passed. Condolences.
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charlie.sottile@verizon.net |
Along with many others in the Amateur community and beyond, I was deeply saddened to read the news of the passing of Dick Knadle, K2RIW. He was an embodiment of all that is good and noble in the Amateur’s Creed, as well as being a fine human being. This is a great loss for all of us, but most of all for his family and loved ones, to whom I offer my sincere condolences. From late 1969 until early 1971 I had the privilege of having Dick as a generous mentor in radio and electronics. It started when I attended an Advanced Class licensing course that Dick taught through the Suffolk County Radio Club, then in Yaphank, NY. He taught fundamental concepts and principles using clear and concise explanations, not rote memorization or how to cleverly pass a multiple choice exam. I still have vivid memories of Dick holding up the ARRL Handbook and imploring the class to “read this book!” It was a daunting challenge for a thirteen year-old ham, but Dick’s drive and enthusiasm were powerful motivating forces. He also handed out 2N35 transistors and encouraged us to build something with it (he never specified what, exactly, but that was the beauty of it). Thanks to Dick (plus lots of studying), I passed the Advance Class exam with relative ease. He kindly (or perhaps regrettably – hi) gave me his phone number, which I used on nearly a weekly basis for posing questions while studying for the Amateur Extra exam, passing that months later, and for the FCC First Class Radiotelephone licensing elements, passing those exams months afterwards. He never turned me away and was always generous with his time and effort. Subsequent to all of that, he invited me to his house for a long and memorable afternoon visit. During that fine day, Dick gave a visual demonstration of a particular concept in a way that perhaps few would devise, and one that I never forgot. He had borrowed a CCTV camera and monitor from a friend (not exactly a household item in 1971). When he pointed the camera at the screen of the monitor, the image was that of the monitor, within an image of the monitor, again within an image of the monitor, ad infinitum. “That,” he excitedly exclaimed, “is feedback!” He went on to show me the operation of a spectrum analyzer using a prototype of the AIL 707 that he helped design at Airborne Instruments Labs. The lessons continued to wherever Dick’s brilliant mind wondered, and I happily went along for the ride. When the lessons concluded, I was further privileged to have dinner with Dick and his gracious wife, Charlene. She was as kind and welcoming as was Dick. At the conclusion of dinner my original mentor, my dad, picked me up from Dick’s house for the ride home. After giving dad the grand tour, Dick turned to him and heaped praise upon me for passing the commercial license exams. Dad, though not a ham, had the utmost respect for any degreed engineer, so those generous words of praise really hit home. His face lit up as bright as the sun, filled with pride, and I am forever grateful to Dick for that precious memory. Whenever I asked Dick a question whose answer was far beyond my young ability to comprehend, he would gently reply, “For that answer you’ll have to wait until you go to engineering school.” This was a fortunate coincidence for me since it was exactly the same answer that my dad sometimes gave when teaching me electricity as a very young boy. The seeds were planted, and I did eventually earn a BSEE from Brooklyn Polytechnic. In addition to my dad, I am, once again, forever grateful to Dick Knadle, K2RIW. Charlie Sottile WA2EGT |
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scampolo@arrl.net |
Like many have said, this is a great loss to humanity, not only ham radio. Above all his technical prowess Dick was a compassionate human being. He had a wide breadth of interests and would talk with anyone who shared his enthusiasm for the subject at hand. I have known Dick all of my 40 years as a ham and we spoke about many things. I fondly remember his technical riddles and probing questions to test your “chops” on many subjects. We would discuss many areas of physics regularly as well as the far edge of the universe. Some of my most enjoyable and fruitful qso’s were about oil burners and how Dick was proud to have mastered maintainance of his. He also introduced me to the famous “magic blue juice” that eliminated sludge in oil tanks and feed lines. While we have all lost a great mentor, we have also lost a great human being and a gentleman. 73 OM, de KA2YHY, Steve Campolo |
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nanmail1@gmail.com |
I was so sad to hear of Dick’s passing. My husband (Rich Rosner N2STU/SK) and I enjoyed listening to him and we learned so much. Dick will be sorely missed. My deepest condolences to his family.
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CW4EVET4@juno.com |
I just learned of Dick’s passing. I was very sad to hear the news. We both go way back. Both involved in the Apollo project and ham radio interests. I’ve read the many connents and there is little more than I can add. We have all lost a true ham. May he rest in peace. Bob W1XP
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nexteller@hotmail.com |
“Be kind to each other.” -Dick Knadle K2RIW at the end of every Technet |
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amateurradio.tvx mpmny317@yahoo.com |
I launched amateurradio.tv because I knew something of great value was being lost into the aether every Sunday night. In 2006, when I approached Dick and Mel Schnieder K2KEY about my vision for the website, I told them that the material that they taught each week was so valuable that it should be recorded and made available for hams to refer back to at any time. I explained that this would be unique because the LIMARC Tech Net was verbal, using the “spoken word” rather than presenting it in a printed, sanitized textbook. I continued by saying that the Tech Net produced so much valuable information that one Tech Net was equivalent to over 40 pages of text. In just one year there would be so much knowledge presented that it would be equivalent to a 2000 page, multi-volume set covering all aspects of amateur radio. Dick and Mel wholeheartedly agreed. On air, Dick’s presence exuded curiosity and he spoke brilliantly in a patient and nurturing manner. Even after his passing, we all can still listen to Dick and other hams from Tech Net at our convenience for years to come for us and for future hams. Amateurradio.tv will continue recording every net and showcasing all the great hams who dedicate their time and share their knowledge with their fellow hams. My hats off to Roy AC2GS for taking the helm and continuing LIMARC and Dick’s desire in providing invaluable information to other hams with the “spoken word.” I’ll always remember that at the end of each LIMARC Tech Net, Dick would close with the following, “Bye bye you all, be good to each other.” We’ll miss you Dick. Mike Perry KC2NJI |
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n2wwd@mindspring.com |
I have fond memories many great technical conversations I had with Dick, both on the air and in person. I always learned something new from him.
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delsjunk@comcast.net |
I am very sad to hear that Dick is a silent key. He was an inspiration for me to learn more about RF and radio, and I probably learned more from Dick than any other person I knew. I enjoyed participating in his weekly tech nets. Also, I felt he was a good friend and always enjoyed talking to Dick on the air or in person. I will miss him! Del Schier, K1UHF |
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kent@jts.com |
Is it know what he died from? Kent VJB |
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kg2ry.comx info@kg2ry.com |
I will remember Dick. He was intuitive and creative. He understood me well. Very few people had this ability. I am, thankful for knowing him. His passing left a huge void in the discussions of ham radio technology. He went way beyond what is known (book or internet knowledge). He will be missed, and no one will replace him. Yours, David, kg2ry.com |
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nkkal@hotmail.com |
One of the brightest minds I’ve known. The world will be the lesser for its’ loss. May your words carry on forever. |
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KB1HQJ@limarc.org |
My condolences to family and loved ones of Dick Knadle K2RIW. He was a great man with a deep wonderous knowledge on many topics, especially antennas and radio wave propagation which he gladly and caringly shared with others. I loved sitting with Dick and enjoying his company and conversation at our Friday lunches. May Dick rest in peace. 73 to our friend and silent key K2RIW.
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wk2dradio@gmail.com |
Ham radio will always remember k2riw as one of the great ones RIP k2riw de wk2d |
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n/ax ka2zev@yahoo.com |
Heard the other day that K2RIW died. This brought up some memories.He helped me with some interesting techie projects.One was a 2M vhf amplifier that used electronic switching via PIN diodes rather than the more common relays. The thing worked lightening fast, which was handy for packet and made exactly zero noise.Also taught me more about RDF than I could have learned on my own. He had an excellent grasp on electronics, physics, and materials. If talking on the ham radio is a form of public speaking, he was amazingly good.Had the chance to return some of those favors.One day the ‘plumbing’ in his home backed up. The pipe from the home to someplace in the yard had failed and liquids did not move. He may have been a brilliant guy in his field but all those skills and ability did not prepare him for using a rented rotary pipe clearing machine.Spent an interesting afternoon with big cast iron pipes and this machine grinding through roots that grew into his outlet pipe.There was a lesson there, you take care of your friends in life. Dick and his bride attended the wedding Joanne and I eloped. We also politely disagreed on things too. I don’t have many friends, and this loss hurt. Mike Chisena |
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k2knb@limarc.org |
there are no words that I can use to express my feelings at this time about Dick. I would put him in a class with Armstrong, Marconi, and Tesla. His loss is irreplaceable. I have Corona and am recovering at this time so please excuse my tardiness. SincerelyTom NO3NO |
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CalviRisorta.comx deluciapeppino@gmail.com |
I am very sad to hear this news, and offer my condolences to his family and his many radio friends. R.i.p. |
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hwglass@optonline.net |
I first met Dick when he joined AIL (then called Airborne Instruments Laboratory) where I had been working for about five years after graduating from college. We both continued to work there for over thirty more years until we both retired, him to another job. One of his outstanding achievements at AIL occurred when he was asked to trouble-shoot problems that the Air Force was having with a giant anechoic chamber. He quickly resolved the problems by adapting time-domain-reflectometry to the chamber’s instrumentation. Another time, we both joined several other coworkers on a one-week ski vacation in Switzerland. It rained one day, and a few of us decided to take a train to nearby Zurich for some sightseeing. During that visit, a few of us separated from others, and while I and my spouse were resting in a church, where we were treated to an organ rehearsal of Bach music, Dick was visiting a hardware store, after which he proudly showed us samples of European AC connectors which we had never seen before. A true engineer! More recently, both of us would meet with several other former AIL engineers for weekly lunches. I found his explanation of what astronomers’ call dark matter much more reasonable, and probably correct. He will be missed. |
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n2dyradio@gmail.com |
During the week in between Tech Nets, Dick used to join our small simplex group and perform a mini-Tech Net. He was patient with newbies and could go deep with our more experienced hams. He was always a gentleman and his willingness to spread around his knowledge was a gift to the amateur community. We will all miss him. Don Young N2DY |
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andrew_j_feldman@earthlink.net |
I first met Dick 40+ years when I was living and working in NJ, then after I moved to Long Island, it was almost a once weekly QSO. In 1983 we were the first hams to speak with Owen Garriot on the space shuttle and receive confirmed two way contact QSL cards. Dick was a real treasure to the ham radio community and will sorely be missed. RIP K2RIW
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spacenetreport@gmail.com |
It has been a pleasure and a privilege working with Dick on the Tech Net for many years. His knowledge and interest in the Technical field attracted a countless amount of listeners every Sunday night. Ham radio has just lost one of the best! R.I.P. Dick, K2RIW 73, Paul, WS2N. |
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Nikkifreezer@gmail.com |
I am truly sorry to hear of Mr Richard Knadle’s passing. I want his family to know how much my father, the late John Beck, held Mr Knadle with high esteem. They had discussions about many different complex topics for hours. My father looked forward to Sunday nights for Tech Net so much, it was like the “Super Bowl”. What will this world do without these brilliant minds that ask questions of the status quo and found answers to so many of our questions. I have tuned in to Tech Net many times since my father died, just to hear that soothing voice explaining a complex solution to a question asked about any topic, and of course all things can be explained by the Sciences. I wanted you to know how cherished Dick Knadle was to John Beck. Retired Ham KC2WGB Donna Beck |
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mumstead@gmail.com |
Uncle Dick was my mom’s brother. I’ve enjoyed reading all of your comments and I’ll be passing this page on to her so she can read them. Thank you.
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wb2eav@yahoo.com |
I have known Dick Knadle K2RIW for what has to be at least 40 years. I have always found his knowledge of just about any subject to be astonishing. We were in very similar lines of work (military electronic gear), and when we caught up with each other (in person or on the air) he always wanted to hear about whatever new project I was working on. I loved the attention, and we could go on for quite a while. Dick was once supposed to attend a presentation I was giving (how’s that for a change?). When he wasn’t there, I was crushed; I was so looking forward to him grilling me mercilessly. I was simply in awe of him and I am beyond proud that Dick considered me a friend. He is a part of what I am and I will never forget him. Ed Gellender WB2EAV |
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qsl.net/kd2bd/index.htmlx kd2bd@amsat.org |
I am deeply saddened by this tragic loss, and my condolences go out to Dick’s family and friends. I was one among those fortunate to check into Dick’s very first Technical Net held on the WA2EXP repeater (147.000 MHz) in New York in the 80s, and have been an avid fan ever since. The knowledge, thinking and problem-solving skills I gained through listening to the Tech Net have been life-changing for me, and I was always eager to share what I learned from Dick with others. On a number of occasions, I have shared recordings of Dick’s discussions with engineering students and fellow educators employed in higher education. Dick would occasionally reveal that he had an understanding of human behavior that was well above average, and I think this played a role in his love for physics puzzles, and perhaps the Technical Net as well. Dick also had a great sense of humor, and I’ll never forget his repeated assertions that it’s perfectly safe to remove the top cover from a piece of electronics (because it doesn’t contain a scorpion with a year’s supply of food), and that computer simulations should be treated the same way a drunk uses a lamp post (for support rather than illumination). And perhaps Dick’s most important words came at the conclusion of each Tech Net: Be kind to each other. 73 OM DE John, KD2BD |
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kg2ry.comx info@kg2ry.com |
Dick was a tremendous inspiration and a pioneer. He showed to all: the value of 2-way radio: as a science of 1) radio electronics, 2) ham radio (as it is known), and 3) telecommunications. He also had his own way of presenting. He always came through loud and clear for me. To him, I will be forever thankful, for the his guidance. May he and his family be blessed. RIP. |
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hischiff@yahoo.com |
I had listened to Dick many times over the more than 30 years that I have been a member of LIMARC. As aptly described by Roy, he was one of the last of the giants. His depth of knowledge was perhaps only exceeded by his patient demeanor. His passing is a loss for all of us who knew him. There will be a an enormous void on the Tech Net Sunday evenings. We will however, always be blessed by his memory.
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rohde-schwarz.comx james.linnen@rsa.rohde-schwarz.com |
Dick really knew his stuff ! WOW ! I had Dick as a customer when I worked for Tektronix, HP, and Rohde & Schwarz. I would go to Dick K2RIW or his good friend George Sintchak WA2VNV whenever I didn’t understand something. The world of Amateur Radio is so amazing….there are so many connections between all of us. I was always amazed at how helpful hams are. I looked forward to the Tech Net that took place over many decades. This was such a special event that we all looked forward to… The wide variety of questions made the net so interesting. Dick would listen carefully to each question and then respond carefully with understanding and clarity. He was so well respected at work and in the Amateur Radio Community. I was always impressed how receptive he was to my calling on the air or the twisted pair. I loved his enthusiasm and his ” Nothing is Impossible ” attitude…..We had so many wonderful technical discussions that opened my mind to so many unique solutions. What a special resource for us all. |
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phart2000@charter.net |
I never knew Dick but spoke with him a few times on 432 back in the late ’70’s. I’m sorry to hear of his passing. I’m just getting back on the band’s and was hoping to hook up with him again on the air… Rest in peace Dick. |
Jabrams4@optonline.net |
Replies sent to limarc@optonline.net Thank you for the news, although sad. No one will forget K2RIW. Paul F. Beeman, W2PB Edward KN6GXX Ruby Ippolito, KB2UEI Dick was brilliant and all of us were covered by the light of learning that he cast upon us. He was irreplaceable. Craig KC2CXK Christopher KD2QMT Andy Bebry kd2esy Tim Cregan, N2RDB |
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kilo2mit@gmail.com |
Thank you for all you taught me through the years on the TechNet. RIP K2RIW de K2MIT |
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zlau@arrl.org |
I remember chatting with Dick at a big hamfest in Deerfield NH for a long time. We were among the very last to leave!
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k4cso@twc.com |
Dick will be missed. He helped inspire my interest in 432 MHz in the 70’s when we held frequent 550 mile SKEDs between myself at W4ATC, K4CAW, and K2RIW each week, seldom without success thanks to Dick’s 16 yagi array. He was able to switch from 16 yagis, to four, to one for Zoom lens style searching. And all three of us were running K2RIW kilowatt amps. I was also running four of Dick’s 19-element RIW yagis. I built dozens of them to help folks get on 432 in the early 80’s and still have a few of them today. Like Ben K4QF mentioned, I too built one of Dick’s prestressed dishes, a fairly unique and simple approach to getting the parabolic curve. Dick’s interests also were in radio astronomy. I was pleased to meet up with him at a Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers conference in Green Bank West Virginia a number of years ago. And even recently with the 50th anniversary of the moon landings I had dug up a copy of his story in QST about successfully listening to the astronauts enroute to the Moon with a prestressed 8 foot dish, parametric amp, and spectrum analyzer for downconverter from S-Band feeding a shortwave receiver to demodulate. Apparently he’d cobbled that together where he worked at Airborne Instruments Lab (AIL). Seeing simple solutions to complex problems was certainly Dick’s forte.Charles Osborne, K4CSO |
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johnfm1@optonline.net |
I never met Dick, but loved listening to him on the Tech Net. He will be missed. RIP Dick.John Mahon N2YC |
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navymars76@hotmail.com |
Yes this Kb2vbn I have been listening to Dick for 25 years when I lived in Harlem then the Bronx to Farockawy he always said he knows there are a lot of people listening but check in with a comment he was a good teacher and listening to him was like going on Journey he was very kind I thank him for his ham radio service and his service with the Space program going to miss him on the Tech net every Sunday he is with the Heavenly Father Amen Amen
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john@pcsupportsolutions.com |
Dick was a good friend and one of the most entertaining people to talk to and listen to. I first encountered him at the 2nd Eastern VHF/UHF conference in about 1974ish. Hi was giving a talk on RF safety at HF frequencies. I was privileged to have many years and decades of exposure to his brilliant wisdom. |
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ja5fnx@dokidoki.ne.jp |
When was the last time I wrestled with that RIW type AMP ? I am very sad about this. R.I.P. |
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More from the PackRats —————– He will be missed, by me, and all the others he touched May he Rest In Peace. Bert, K3IUV I provided Dick with 11 sections of new Rohn 55G tower sometime in the late 1980’s. Dick came to Tabernacle with a trailer to get them. I remember shaking his hand – he had a grip like a vise and a surprisingly strong arm. He called me a few weeks later to report that the tower was up at full height and topped off with a 432 yagi and a 10 GHz dish. He installed it all from the ground up without any assistance!! He devised a rigging method using a rock climbing ascender device along with a gin pole and his safety harness. Dick applied extreme determination to everything he did! Dick loved to teach and and he took every opportunity to do so – via casual QSO’s, the famous Tech Net, conferences, QST articles, ARRL Handbook, telephone conversations, etc., etc. He had some wild ideas; he seemed more scientist than engineer! I am thankful for my experiences with K2RIW. RIP “Professor” Richard Knadle. — WC2K |
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sintchak@optonline.net |
I’m very sad to find out about Dick passing away. I met him when I was 15 back in 1958 through my older brother when he was living in Middle Island on Church Lane. We all had a keen interest in ham radio, electronics and anything scientific. I was studying electrical engineering with him later in the 60’s along with Jay, NY2NY, then K2OVS at Pratt Institute. Our paths crossed now and then on the ham bands after that, both ending up living on Long Island. Both of us doing mostly VHF/UHF/Microwave weak signal and antenna work. I remember giving him a converted 6 meter Motorola Sensicon tube receiver so he could get on 6 Meter FM, 52.525/640 when he was living in the Smithtown area before he moved to Dix Hills. Over the years we had many discussions on antenna, amplifier, & preamp designs and building. His knowledge & experience was something to behold and always made for challenging discussions. He and Bruce, N2LIV (sk), were always trying to get me on 10 Ghz, I just didn’t have the tower space. We both each had our Rohn #6 first time towers back then, mine still up, soon to come down as I don’t want to do much climbing due to my age, 77. I know he always enjoyed doing the Tech Net Sunday nights and I would occasionally chime in to say hello or add to the discussion. I will really miss him, may he RIP and regards to his family.
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optlou@gmail.com |
These are comments I found on the Packrats reflector, Loss of a true giant of help and knowledge of all things radio. RIP. Rick K1DS —————————————– His knowledge and style will be missed ! —————————————– Dick was a friend, a pioneer, and a true giant!! Remember HK1TL used 16 RIW-13’s in Colombia and the 432 power amp used an 8938 with a half wave stripline tank circuit “RIW style”. Not a contester per se but always on the air making “impossible” long distance skeds.. “13dB out of my noise” hah hah.. RIP Dick! —————————————– I’m still using a K2RIW 19 el 432 yagi. I think given time those of us that knew Dick will all come up with a K2RIW story. I remember when I’st got on 10GHz Dick was one of my 1st contacts on the band. I also used to enjoy listening to the tech net on one of the NYC area repeaters. In fact I listened to the Tech NET about a year ago. —————————————– I’m really sad to head that Dick Knadle is gone. He was, indeed, a — Joe, K1JT ————————————— |