The Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club, Inc. was formed to encourage and foster mutual interest in Amateur Radio Communications.
Our goal is that in cooperation with other organizations and agencies, we promote the advancement of public service and safety through amateur radio communications.
We actively encourage participation of our members in emergency communications, so that the safety of the public may be better served. LIMARC was formed in 1965 when a small group of hams decided to get together at a diner in Nassau County.
They shared an interest in mobile HF operating. From there the club has grown to over 300 members with interests as varied as QRP (low power) operation, contests, packet, RTTY, emergency communications and satellite operation.
Our monthly meetings are held at Levittown Hall in Hicksville the second Wednesday of each month at 8 PM, except for July and August. They are a gathering place for “eyeball” QSOs and members enjoy seeing the face behind the voice while enjoying interesting speakers and programs and complimentary refreshments. In July there is a Club Picnic with many family activities including a bicycle ride and softball game. There is also a bunny hunt (hidden transmitter search) with prizes and there are always a few QRP rigs chirping from a nearby picnic table.
Some other club activities include participation in ARRL Field Day, QRP Camping weekends in the Catskills, bimonthly VE exams, 1-day Classes for Technician license, 5 wpm code classes and spring, fall and winter hamfests both indoors and outdoors.
In times of emergencies LIMARC members are always ready to serve the community under the auspices of ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service). LIMARC members support many public service events such as the Long Island Marathon, NYC Marathon, Ocean to Sound Relay Race, Gold Coast Bike Tour, Family Bike Day and more.
LIMARC maintains five repeaters from 2 meters all the way up to 1288 Mhz. Check out our flagship repeater 146.85 located in Glen Oaks. Our 147.375 repeater in Selden has a big signal in Suffolk County. Our 449.125 repeater covers most of Long Island.
LIMARC has much to offer – we hope you will join us!
Committees and Activities
- Education: help teach amateur radio to the next generation of hams.
- Field Day: our annual emergency preparedness activity and weekend of fun.
- Good and Welfare: keeps members informed as to the good and not so good things happening to individuals.
- Hamfest: is the crew that organizes and administers our ham radio flea markets.
- Technical: is the team that keeps our repeaters maintained and running.
- Membership: maintain the membership roster and keep track of dues renewals
- Picnic: organize and run our annual picnic.
- Toy Drive: organize and distribute toy donations to children in need.
- Volunteer Examinations: administer amateur radio license exams.
Officers and Board of Directors
You can see the contact information of LIMARC’s present Officers and Board members on the Contact The Board page. If you’d like to know who has sat on the board during LIMARC’s history, check out the LIMARC Board History page.