School Club Roundup

Welcome to the School Club Roundup Home Page

School Club Roundup is an amateur radio event for clubs and individuals, especially those that are associated with elementary, middle, junior high, or high schools, or colleges. The objective is to give young people experience with on-air activity in a contest-like format by exchanging QSO information with any amateur radio stations.

School Club Roundup results may be found at

2020 Dates


  • Winter/Spring: 2024 February 12th 1300Z thru February  16, 2359Z
  • Fall: 2024 October 121 1300Z thru  February 25, 23:59Z


     Download a full copy of the School Club Roundup Rules here.


  • There are a couple of logging programs specifically designed for the School Club Roundup contest. Computerized logging will greatly increase your accuracy, shorten your submission time, and insure quicker processing of your logs.
  • We highly recommend that you log and submit your logs using one of the programs.
  • AD8B’s SCR-Log
  • W3KM’S GenLog 325 or newer
  • N1MM Logger
  • N3FJP
  • The School Club Roundup Cabrillo Specification is availble in txt and pdf format by clicking on the respective hyperlinks.
  • Manual logging can be done, but it is not recommended. The recommended form for manual logging is attached to the Summary Report Form, available here.

Log Submission:

     Submit your log electronically by emailing it to scr@

Manual logs can be mailed to:

PO Box 392
Levittown, NY 11756-0392

Summary Report Form:

If you are using computerized logging, you will need to fill out the online Summary Report Form located here. If you are manually logging, you will need to fill out and mail the paper Summary Report Form is available here.


For more information about the contest and how your club can participate email scr@ For the latest information and best support join the School Club Roundup at Groups.IO by following the link below.

Click to join our School Club Roundup Group 



Ham Radio University