Unless otherwise noted below, the meeting’s location and start-time shall be the following:

  • Board meetings start at 7:30PM at the Levittown Library, 1 Bluegrass Lane, Levittown, NY
  • General meetings start at 7:00PM at the Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Pkwy, Hicksville, NY.
  • VE Test sessions start at 9:00AM at the Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Pkwy, Hicksville, NY.   

Tentative Schedule – 2024

Month Board Meeting General Meeting VE Session Hamfest Other
Jan 3 10 21 13
Feb 7 14 25 School Club Roundup
March 6 13 9
April 3 10
May 1 8 11
June 5 2
July 3 No Meeting
August 7 No Meeting
Sept 4 11 14
Oct 2 9
Nov 6 13 tbd 10 Hamfest and VE session will be at the Levitown Hall
Dec 4 11


Ham Radio University