
LIMARC ByLaws 2018-12-12



Previous By=Laws

Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Bylaws Adopted 11-9-11

Latest Update 3-9-16

Jay Marcucci KC2YSK, Chairman
Allen Bender W2QZ
Bernie Hunt K2Y0
Gary Buchwald W2MIT

Table of Articles






  1. The name of this organization shall be the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club, Inc., hereinafter referred to as LIMARC. LIMARC is a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, and qualified under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended.
  2. The principal address of the club is P.O. Box 392, Levittown, NY 11756-0392.


The goal of LIMARC is to encourage and foster mutual interest in amateur radio communications. The objectives are as follows:

  1. LIMARC, in cooperation with other organizations and agencies, shall promote the advancement of public service and safety through amateur radio communications.
  2. LIMARC shall promote participation of its members in emergency communications so that the safety of the public may be better served.
  3. LIMARC shall promote the improvement and advancement of the art of mobile communications in the interest of public service.
  4. LIMARC shall operate an on-air net, as scheduled by the Board of Directors. This net will be open to all radio amateurs. It will be a vehicle for promoting public service, good operating techniques, and for informing participants and listeners of LIMARC activities.
  5. LIMARC shall own, operate, and maintain repeaters to extend the range of mobile and/or other types of communications by club members and/or operators temporarily visiting within a repeater’s coverage area.
  6. LIMARC shall, from time to time, promote contests in which operating skills may be improved, issue certificates of merit, promote social programs, and sponsor activities for and on behalf of its membership.
  7. To insure the financial strength of the club, it shall be a basic tenet of LIMARC to operate within a budget promulgated annually as noted hereinafter.
  8. LIMARC shall assist its members and all other radio amateurs with an ongoing education program to improve their technical proficiency as amateur radio operators.
  9. LIMARC and its members shall promote amateur radio, and the advantages resulting from licensed amateur radio operators, to the public at large.
  10. LIMARC shall publish, at least ten times a year, a publication to be known as the “LIMARC Log.” This publication, shall serve as both a newsletter keeping the membership informed about LIMARC activities as well as the legal vehicle for informing members, when needed, of any notifications required by law. It will be distributed by any legal means the executive board deems appropriate.


There shall be three classes of membership, namely; Provisional, Active, and Associate. All Applicants will be granted provisional membership until the LIMARC Membership Committee acts upon their application.

The membership committee consists of the membership chairperson, appointed by the President, along with 2 non-board members who will review all the applications for completeness, notify the board, and then will present that list at the next general membership meeting for approval by majority vote.

If a membership application is rejected the applicant can reapply after January 1st of the next calendar year.

  1. Provisional Membership
    1. This is a limited interim membership that is automatically granted once the completed membership application, along with any and all fees, is received by the club.
    2. The Provisional member shall be granted all repeater privileges, and obligations of membership but not the right to vote or hold office
    3. This membership will either terminate or convert to an Active Membership after the next regular general membership meeting has acted upon the committee’s recommendations.
  2. Active Membership
    1. Active Individual membership shall be granted to anyone who holds a valid amateur radio license and who has made application, paid all fees and dues in accordance with these Bylaws. Active members in good standing shall be granted all the privileges, and obligations of membership including, but not limited to, the right to vote, and hold office in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in Article VII(1)(a).A member in good standing is defined as a member who is current in club dues and not found to be in violation of LIMARC’s Bylaws, regulations or policies.
    2. Active Lifetime “Golden 100” Membership shall be granted to anyone who holds a valid amateur radio license and who has made application, qualifies, and paid all fees and dues. In order to qualify for the Golden 100 Lifetime Membership, the amateur must have reached age 65 and the sum of their Age and Years in LIMARC must equal or exceed 100. ActiveLifetime “Golden 100” members in good standing shall be granted all the privileges, and obligations of membership including, but not limited to, the right to vote, and hold office in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in Article VII(1)(a).
    3. Active Family membership shall be granted to anyone related to an active member in good standing, who holds a valid amateur radio license and who has made application, paid all fees and dues in accordance with these. Active family members in good standing shall be granted all the privileges, and obligations of membership including, but not limited to, the right to vote, and hold office in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in Article VII(1)(a) but shall not receive a LIMARC Log.Being related to an active member shall be interpreted to mean the immediate family of an active members residing at the same address.
  3. Associate Memberships
    1. Honorary Associate membership may be awarded to persons who have made outstanding and noteworthy contributions and/or service to amateur radio or LIMARC directly. Such membership shall be proposed by the executive board and confirmed by the general membership.
      1. Persons proposed for honorary membership need not be licensed radio amateurs, need not be members, nor shall they be required to pay dues or fees as may be prescribed in these bylaws.
      2. Honorary Associate members shall be extended the privileges of active membership, but shall not be eligible to vote, participate in formal business, or hold office
      3. Honorary Associate members who are licensed radio amateurs may make use of the club repeaters
    2. Sponsoring Associate membership shall be open to anyone or group who have made application and paid any and all fees and dues in accordance with these bylaws.
      1. Sponsoring Associate members in good standing shall not be granted any privileges of active membership, but shall be recognized for their level of contribution in the LIMARC Roster and on the LIMARC web page during their sponsoring year(s).
      2. Sponsoring Associate membership is open to any person who is unlicensed, and who, by reason of an interest in amateur radio from a technical standpoint or otherwise, makes application for such membership.
    3. Complimentary Associate membership may be awarded to persons who are licensed radio amateurs and have made outstanding and noteworthy contributions and/or service to amateur radio or LIMARC directly above and beyond the noteworthy and outstandingcontributions/service of our many volunteers, board members and chairmen. Such membership shall be proposed by the President and confirmed by a majority vote of the executive board. This membership shall expire at the end of the membership year or before if the board sees fit to discontinue it by a majority vote. Additional years may be granted in the same fashion on a year-by-year basis.
      1. Persons proposed complimentary membership need to be licensed radio amateurs and shall not be required to pay dues or fees as may be prescribed elsewhere in these bylaws.
      2. Complimentary members shall be extended the right to use the club repeaters, join the LIMARC reflector and shall receive the LIMARC Log in electronic form but shall not be extended any other privileges of active membership such as voting, etc.
    4. Remote Associate membership shall be open to any individual who is a licensed radio amateur and lives outside the normal radio range of the LIMARC Repeater coverage. These members shall be extended the privileges of active membership, but shall not be eligible to vote, participate in formal business, or hold office.
  4. Suspension/Revocation of MembershipA member who has acted in a manner detrimental to LIMARC and/or amateur radio may be subject to a suspension of membership privileges or revocation of membership.
    1. On recommendation by the President and confirmation by a majority vote of the executive board, any and all of a member’s privileges may be suspended for a period of time not to exceed 90 days or suspended for not more than 60 days in anticipation of revocation of membership.
    2. A member shall have the right to notification of such pending action and have the right to dispute any claim before a vote is taken. It is presumed that the violating member would appear before the Executive Board and the situation would be resolved. In the event a member does not appear or the offense is not resolved, the suspension may be extended until such time as the situation is resolved or the membership revoked.
    3. In a matter pending revocation of membership, a member shall be advised to present a defense at a general or special meeting. A two-thirds vote of members in attendance shall be necessary to revoke membership.
    4. Any member who is expelled is eligible to reapply for membership after one year from the date of expulsion.


  1. Club dues and fees are defined by the Executive Board and ratified by the General membership at a general meeting. The approved schedule goes into effect the 1st of the next month after the ratification meeting.
  2. The current dues and fee schedule can be found on the LIMARC Website under Application Information. They are also published in the LIMARC Log
  3. An applicant for sponsoring membership shall pay to the club dues in the amount of $100 for Bronze membership, $250 for Silver membership, $500-$1000 for Gold membership or $1000 plus for Platinum membership per annum. Renewal of sponsoring membership shall be at the level of choice of the sponsor
  4. If dues are not received by March 1st in any year, the person shall be considered a Past Non- Current member and may be reinstated by paying the current full year’s dues. No member who has been expelled shall be entitled to reinstatement in this manner
  5. The president may waive dues for an individual member in the event of personal financial hardship. This waiver shall expire at the end of the membership year. An individual may request additional hardship waivers, on a year to year basis, subject to the above.
  6. The dues for the initial calendar year of membership for a new member shall be based upon the date the membership application is postmarked. If received in the months of January through March, the member shall be charged 100% of the annual amount for the membership category chosen. If received in the months of April through June, the member shall be charged 75% of the annual amount for the membership category chosen. If received in the months of July through September, the member shall be charged 50% of the annual amount for the membership category chosen. If received in the months of October through December, the member shall be charged 25% of the annual amount for the membership category chosen.


  1. The regular monthly meetings of this club shall be held at the location, date, and time designated by the executive board.
  2. The annual meeting of the club shall be held in the month of December of each year in conjunction with the regular meeting at which time the election of officers and directors shall take place. The results of the election shall be announced at that meeting.
  3. Notice of the hour and place of all annual and general meetings shall be sent to the membership by the secretary by whatever method the board deems appropriate and compliant with New York State law and regulations pertaining to not-for-profit corporations at least ten days prior to thedate of the meeting. The record date for determining eligibility to vote at a meeting shall be ten days before the meeting date.
  4. Any member entitled to receive notice of annual and general meetings may elect to receive such notices by electronic mail, pursuant to such rules as may be adopted by the executive board from time to time.
  5. The president shall have the authority to cancel or postpone a regularly scheduled meeting in case of emergency, holiday, or unavailability of meeting place. An example of an emergency can be, but is not limited to, hazardous traveling conditions.
  6. Special meetings of the club may be called by the executive board to discuss and transact specific and/or imperative business where a decision from the membership is required.
    1. Special meetings of the club must be called by the executive board when requested to do so, in writing, by no less than ten percent of the members in good standing eligible to vote.
    2. Special meetings of the executive board may be called by the president or upon request to the president by two or more members of the executive board. Notice of any special meeting of the executive board shall be given at least 24 hours in advance.
    3. Notice of special meetings stating the time, place and reason for the meeting shall be mailed, or electronically mailed as provided for notice of annual and general meetings, to each member not later than ten days prior to such meeting.
  7. Ten percent of the total membership eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum at all regular, special, and annual meetings of the club. All Active and Family members, in good standing, whose date of membership predates the meeting by ten or more days, shall be considered eligible to vote.
  8. A quorum, once established, shall not be broken by withdrawal of members from the meeting.
  9. A quorum at all regular and special meetings of the executive board shall consist of a majority of the members of the executive board.
  10. Regular monthly meetings of the executive board shall be held each month no later than the last day of the month at the hour and place specified by the president. All Executive Board meetings are open to the general membership and members are encouraged to attend


  1. The governing body of this club shall be known as the executive board, and shall consist of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, immediate past president, and six directors. The number of directors may be increased or decreased by a two thirds vote of the generalmembership. No decrease of the number of directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent director.
  2. All members of the executive board shall be at least 18 years of age at the time of assumption of office, and be Active members in good standing, and shall have been members for at least one year preceding election or appointment to the executive board.
  3. Except as herein specifically provided, the decisions of the executive board shall be deemed final. They are subject to an appeal to the club in the form of a motion to appeal by a member or members. Two thirds of the members present and eligible to vote shall be necessary to reverse the executive board’s decision.


  1. Each year, at the executive board meeting for November, the presiding officer shall ask for a report from the elections committee, who shall place in nomination qualified candidates for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and at least three directors.
    1. The term “qualified candidate” shall be interpreted to mean that not only is the candidate eligible to hold office, having been a member in good standing for the preceding eleven months prior to nomination, but that he/she has advised the chairman of the Elections Committee, in writing, that he/she is familiar with and will accept the responsibilities of office, as described in the LIMARC BYLAWS and the laws of New York State. The Elections Committee will provide proper documentation, or access to same, to each candidate.
    2. The elections committee shall publish in the October issue of the LIMARC Log a call for nominations listing all anticipated vacancies. The committee will ensure that there will be one candidate for each position. Members of the executive board shall not serve on this committee.
  2. Upon completion of the Elections Committee report at the November meeting, the floor shall be opened for additional nominations. Any such nominations must be seconded from the floor and the nominee must express his/her willingness to serve and acknowledge qualification to do so per VII 1. a. above. A written consent and acknowledgment must be forwarded to the chairman of the Elections Committee at the meeting.
    1. Upon affirmation by qualified candidates nominated from the floor that they are eligible and willing to serve, the elections committee shall add such candidates to the ballot.
    2. If no further nominations are forthcoming from the floor the presiding officer shall declare nominations closed and shall instruct the Elections Committee chairman to prepare a ballot, which shall be presented to each member at the annual meeting.
    3. All nominees shall be offered an opportunity to speak at the November meeting at the close of nominations and all nominees shall be invited to provide an autobiography and/or a position statement, which shall be limited to not more than 200 words, to be included with the slate published per Article VII, 3.
    4. All nominations must be made at the November meeting.
  3. The complete slate of candidates shall be published in such a manner that each member is mailed/emailed a copy of the slate ten days prior to the meeting at which elections are to take place. Listings shall be in call sign order.
  4. A majority vote of eligible members present and voting shall determine the election of officers.
    1. Directors shall be elected according to the votes received – in descending order of the number of votes. The three candidates receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected to fill vacant two year terms. Remaining vacant positions for one year terms shall be filled by the remaining candidates in order of votes received.
    2. In the event of tie votes there shall be a runoff election at the same meeting.
    3. The elections committee shall provide at least three active or family members to count the votes. None of these shall be a candidate.
    4. All marked ballots shall be retained by the secretary for a period of three months, after which they may be discarded. A summary of the actual vote results shall be entered into the minutes.
  5. Immediately following the balloting, the newly elected officers and directors shall be installed and shall take office as of January 1st of the following year.
  6. In the event of a vacancy of the presidency, the vice president shall automatically succeed to the office of president. The vacancy of the Vice-President’s position thus created shall be filled in accordance with Section VII (8). Should a vacancy in the offices of President AND Vice President coincide, both will be filled in accordance with Section VII (8).
  7. The executive board, after due investigation of the causes and having satisfied itself of the reasonable permanency of the condition, may declare vacant any neglected office or position on the board. A two-thirds vote of the board members present and voting shall be required to declare such a vacancy.
  8. A board vacancy as described in VII (6) or VII (7) shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining executive board at the next meeting. The selection to be made from candidates who have expressed their interest to serve, and who have fulfilled the requirements for a regular election. The chosen individual will serve in that position until the next regularly scheduled election, at which time an election will be held to fulfill the un-expired term if necessary.


  1. The term of office for president, vice president, secretary and treasurer shall be for a period of one year, beginning on January first immediately following the annual meeting and shall terminate on December thirty-first immediately following the next annual meeting, except as noted in section 1a and 1b, below.
    1. The president and vice president may succeed themselves in the same office for one additional term if reelected to that office in accordance with Article VII of these bylaws.
    2. The secretary and treasurer may succeed themselves without limit if reelected to that office in accordance with Article VII of these bylaws.
    3. In the event that no candidate for the office of President and/or Vice President is nominated at the nominating meeting, a waiver to allow one additional year of service by the current officer(s) may be obtained by a simple majority vote of the membership. If a waiver cannot be obtained from the membership or the current officer declines it, then nominations for candidates for the position will be re-solicited from the floor at the next general membership meeting and a vote will be taken immediately thereafter. The current officer(s) will remain in their position until that time. Once the election takes place, the officer shall be installed and take office immediately.
  2. The term of office of each director shall be two years beginning January first immediately following the annual meeting. At least three directors shall be elected in accordance with Article VII of these bylaws. Directors may succeed themselves on the board for one additional term if elected to that position in accordance with Article VII of these bylaws. If a Director fills an unexpired term of one year or less, he may run for re-election twice more.


  1. It shall be the duties of the president to preside at regular and special meetings of the club, the executive board, and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office including, but not limited to, the establishment of committees.
  2. It shall be the duty of the vice president to preside at all meetings in the absence of the president, to assist the president in the performance of his duties, to be the program chairperson at the regular monthly meetings, and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office.
  3. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep all club records, to initiate notices of all club meetings and executive board meetings, to report to the club all decisions and actions of the executive board as recorded in the minutes of such meetings, to record the minutes of regular and special meetings, to handle all correspondence pertaining to club matters, to retain copies of correspondence, initiated by others in the name of the club, and to perform such other duties asordinarily pertain to this office. The secretary shall retain all records and act as repository of same for historical use. For this purpose, the secretary shall receive an extra copy of the LIMARC Log.The choice of format of the LIMARC Log shall be vested jointly in the secretary and the editor of the LIMARC Log, subject to approval of the executive board.
  4. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to maintain accounts of record and report monthly to the executive board any income, expenditures, and bank balances and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office. Further, the treasurer shall assist the audit committee in maintaining its records. Upon retirement from office, the treasurer shall transfer to the successor or the president all funds, account books, all financial records and other club property in his/her possession.
  5. It shall be the duty of the directors, in conjunction with the club officers, to protect the assets of the corporation, to determine the club policies and to pass upon all issues concerning the welfare of the club, to implement motions passed by the general membership, and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to the office of director, including, but not limited to, serving as committee chairpersons when requested to do so by the president.
  6. Directors should be familiar with the roles and responsibilities of the Members of the Board of Directors as outlined by the Attorney General of the State of New York, a copy of which can be found in the Directors Handbook.


  1. Any officer or director of this club may be removed from office for failure to satisfactorily perform the duties of his/her office, by a two-thirds vote of the membership present and eligible to vote at a special meeting called for this specific purpose. Meetings for this purpose shall be called pursuant to sections 3, 4, and 5 of Article V of these bylaws.Initiation of impeachment proceedings may be accomplished at any regular or special meeting by consent of ten percent of the members present and eligible to vote, a quorum being present.
  2. The actual impeachment proceedings may not be acted upon earlier than thirty days nor later than sixty days after initiation of due consideration of the charges by a special committee appointed by the executive committee, consisting of three or more members, none of whom are currently holding elective or appointive office in the club.
    1. The committee shall report directly to the membership results of its investigation of charges. Their report, majority and minority views shall be presented to the membership at the meeting called for this purpose at which the chairman shall preside and after which a general discussion shall be presented by and for the members present. The accused shall be accorded the right of rebuttal.
    2. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings.


  1. The business of the club shall be transacted by a hand vote except for the elections of officers and directors, which shall be by closed ballot.
  2. Unless specifically provided for in these bylaws, upon establishment of a quorum, a simple majority vote of eligible members present shall be deemed sufficient to transact all club business.


  1. The president, subject to the approval of the executive board, shall appoint chairpersons for the following standing committees, and shall instruct the chairpersons in their duties.
    1. Membership Committee
    2. Technical Committee
    3. Repeater Trustee Committee
    4. Elections Committee
    5. Inventory Committee
    6. Audit Committee
    7. Hamfest Committee
    8. Field Day Committee
    9. Public Service Committee
      1. Education Committee
      2. School Club Roundup Committee
  2. The president, subject to the approval of the executive board, may appoint any additional committees and their chairpersons as may be deemed essential to the welfare and operation of the club.
  3. Each committee shall transact such business as is delegated to it by the president or the executive board and shall report to and be responsible to the executive board.


  1. The treasurer shall deposit all funds of the club in a manner to be approved by the executive board.
  2. Only the treasurer, president, vice president, and secretary shall be authorized to sign checks in payment of debts of this club.
  3. The treasurer, or in his/her absence, the president or vice president shall be authorized to pay all bills for usual monthly operating expenses.
  4. All other expenditures of the club not specifically included in 3 above, up to and including$1000.00, must have the approval of the executive board.
  5. The president, vice president, or secretary must issue a voucher to the treasurer to authorize issuance of any check except as noted in 3 above. This voucher must be countersigned by the chairperson of the committee requesting funds for club use except as included in 3, above.
  6. The financial records, assets and liabilities of the club shall be reviewed on an ongoing basis by the audit committee, which shall submit its report to the executive board for delivery to the membership annually.
  7. Any expenditure in excess of $1,000.00 must be submitted by the executive board to the club membership for approval by the majority present and eligible to vote at a regular or special meeting. Any affirmative vote authorizes an officer, as noted in 5 above, to issue a voucher for the expenditure.
  8. An operating budget, for the fiscal year beginning January 1st and ending the following December 31st, based on generally accepted accounting practices, shall be presented in writing to the membership by the executive board, for approval at the November meeting. This budget shall have been previously presented to the membership together with the capital budget in the LIMARC Log.This budget shall list each object of expense planned for the calendar year, the amount to be spent, together with the amounts budgeted in and actually spent during the previous calendar year. No expenditure for capital assets in excess of the amount specified in Section 4 of this Article XIII, or for those to be acquired over a period extending beyond the current calendar year shall be included in the operating budget, but shall instead be included in the capital budget.
  9. A capital budget, for the fiscal year beginning January 1st and ending the following December 31st, based on generally accepted accounting practices, shall be presented in writing to the membership by the executive board for approval at the November meeting. This budget shall have been previously presented to the membership together with the operating budget in the LIMARC Log.

This budget shall list each capital asset to be acquired by the Club requiring the expenditure of more than the amount specified in Section 4 of this Article XIII, or to be acquired over a period extending beyond the current calendar year. Together with each such capital asset shall be listed the total amount approved by the membership, the total amount expended in the previous calendar year, and the remaining amounts planned to be spent during the current and the next two succeeding calendar years. Any pending capital assets rescinded by the membership shall be removed from the capital budget.


1. Any resolution or motion to commit this club on any matter pertinent to club business must be considered by the executive board prior to discussion at the meetings. The executive board shall report to the club no later than the next regular meeting.


  1. The following shall be the regular order of business at all regular or special meetings of the club:
    1. Meeting called to order
    2. Introduction of guests, visitors, and new members
    3. Approval of the minutes of the preceding meeting
    4. Any officers’ reports
    5. Any committee reports
    6. General welfare
    7. Old business
    8. New business
    9. Special feature
    10. Adjournment
  2. Unless specifically provided for elsewhere in these bylaws “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern all parliamentary procedures of this club at regular, special, committee, and board meetings except when contrary to the certificate of incorporation, these bylaws, or New York State law.


  1. Any proposed amendment to these bylaws must be submitted by a member in good standing along with 10 additional petitioners who are also members in good standing. This request must be in writing to the executive board which will instruct the secretary to notify the membership in writing of such proposed amendment at least ten days prior to the meeting at which the first vote is to take place.
  2. These bylaws may be amended only after approval by a majority vote of the members present and eligible to vote, a quorum being present, at two successive regular or special general meetings.
  3. No amendment or addition to these bylaws can be made which is not in harmony with the laws of the State of New York governing the formation and chartering of a not-for-profit corporation.

Appendix – List of Approved Amendments

1. Amendment Approved Feb 2012 & March 2012

Proposed Amendment to Article III – January 4th, 2012 Original ARTICLE III — MEMBERSHIP

There shall be two classes of membership, namely; Active, and Associate.

1. Active Membership


There shall be three classes of membership, namely; Provisional, Active, and Associate. All Applicants will be granted provisional membership until the LIMARC Membership Committee acts upon their application.

The membership committee consists of the membership chairperson, appointed by the President, along with 2 non-board members who will review all the applications for completeness and after presenting the list of potential new members to the board for review, will then present that list at the next general membership meeting for approval by majority vote.

If a membership application is rejected the applicant can reapply after January 1st of the next calendar year.

  1. Provisional Membership

    1. This is a limited interim membership that is automatically granted once the completed membership application, along with any and all fees, is received by the club.

    2. The Provisional member shall be granted all repeater privileges, and obligations of membership but not the right to vote or hold office

    3. This membership will either terminate or convert to an Active Membership after the next regular general membership meeting has acted upon the committee’s recommendations.

  2. Active Membership…

  3. Associate membership…

  1. Amendments Approved March 2012 & May 2012

    1. Change #1 – ADD 2 Standing Committees: Article XIII 1.


      1. Education Committee

      2. School Club Roundup Committee

    2. Change #2 Change Fiscal Year to match Calendar Year – Part 1 Article XIII 8.


      An operating budget, for the fiscal year beginning April 1st and ending the following March 31st, based on generally accepted accounting practices, shall be presented in writing to the membership by the executive board, for approval at the March meeting. This budget shall have…..

      Amended to:

      An operating budget, for the fiscal year beginning JANUARY 1st and ending the following DECEMBER 31st, based on generally accepted accounting practices, shall be presented in writing to the membership by the executive board, for approval at the NOVEMBER meeting. This budget shall have…..

    3. Change #3 Change Fiscal Year to match Calendar Year – Part 2 Article XIII 9


      A capital budget, for the fiscal year beginning April 1st and ending the following March 31st, based on generally accepted accounting practices, shall be presented in writing to the membership by the executive board for approval at the March meeting. This budget shall have been previously

      presented to the membership together with the operating budget in the LIMARC Log….

      Amended to:

      A capital budget, for the fiscal year beginning JANUARY 1st and ending the following DECEMBER 31st, based on generally accepted accounting practices, shall be presented in writing to the membership by the executive board for approval at the NOVEMBER meeting. This budget shall have been previously presented to the membership together with the operating budget in the LIMARC Log….

  2. Amendments Approved May 2012 & June 2012

    1. Change #1 Change wording Original :


      There shall be three classes of membership, namely; Provisional, Active, and Associate. All Applicants will be granted provisional membership until the LIMARC Membership Committee acts upon their application.

      The membership committee consists of the membership chairperson, appointed by the President, along with 2 non-board members who will review all the applications for completeness and after presenting the list of potential new members to the board for review, will then present that list at the next general membership meeting for approval by majority vote.

      Adopted :


      There shall be three classes of membership, namely; Provisional, Active, and Associate. All Applicants will be granted provisional membership until the LIMARC Membership Committee acts upon their application.

      The membership committee consists of the membership chairperson, appointed by the President, along with 2 non-board members who will review all the applications for completeness , notify the board, and then will present that list at the next general membership meeting for approval by majority vote.

    2. Change #2 Add Golden 100 Lifetime Membership as a Active Membership Category

Original :


  1. Active Membership

    1. Active Individual membership shall be granted to anyone who holds a valid amateur radio license and who has made application, paid all fees and dues in accordance with these Bylaws. Active members in good standing shall be granted all the privileges, and obligations of membership including, but not limited to, the right to vote, and hold office in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in Article VII(1)(a).

      A member in good standing is defined as a member who is current in club dues and not found to be in violation of LIMARC’s Bylaws, regulations or policies.

    2. Active Family membership shall be granted to anyone related to an active member in good standing, who holds a valid amateur radio license and who has made application, paid all fees and dues in accordance with these. Active family members in good standing shall be granted all the privileges, and obligations of membership including, but not limited to, the right to vote, and hold office in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in Article VII(1)(a) but shall not receive a LIMARC Log.

Being related to an active member shall be interpreted to mean the immediate family of an active members residing at the same address.

Adopted :


  1. Active Membership

    1. Active Individual membership shall be granted to anyone who holds a valid amateur radio license and who has made application, paid all fees and dues in accordance with these Bylaws. Active members in good standing shall be granted all the privileges, and obligations of membership including, but not limited to, the right to vote, and hold office in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in Article VII(1)(a).

A member in good standing is defined as a member who is current in club dues and not found to be in violation of LIMARC’s Bylaws, regulations or policies.

b. Active Lifetime “Golden 100” Membership shall be granted to anyone who holds a valid amateur radio license and who has made application, qualifies , and paid all fees and dues. In order to qualify for the Golden 100 Lifetime Membership, the amateur must have reached age 65 and the sum of their Age and Years in LIMARC must equal or exceed 100. Active Lifetime “Golden

100” members in good standing shall be granted all the privileges, and obligations of membership including, but not limited to, the right to vote, and hold office in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in Article VII(1)(a).

c. Active Family Membership – shall be granted to Active Family membership shall be granted to anyone related to an active member in good standing, who holds a valid amateur radio license and who has made application, paid all fees and dues in accordance with these. Active family members in good standing shall be granted all the privileges, and obligations of membership including, but not limited to, the right to vote, and hold office in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in Article VII(1)(a) but shall not receive a LIMARC Log.

Being related to an active member shall be interpreted to mean the immediate family of an active members residing at the same address.

  1. Amendments Approved February 2016, and March 2016

    1. Change # 1 – eliminates the discrepancy between the two sections

      Original :


      1. Each year, at the executive board meeting for November, the presiding officer shall ask for a report from the elections committee, who shall place in nomination qualified candidates for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and at least three directors.

        1. The term “qualified candidate” shall be interpreted to mean that not only is the candidate eligible to hold office, having been a member in good standing for the preceding twelve months prior to nomination, but that he/she has advised the chairman of the Elections Committee, in writing, that he/she is familiar with and will accept the responsibilities of office, as described in the LIMARC BYLAWS and the laws of New York State. The Elections Committee will provide proper documentation, or access to same, to each candidate.

          Adopted :


          1. Each year, at the executive board meeting for November, the presiding officer shall ask for a report from the elections committee, who shall place in nomination qualified candidates for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and at least three directors.

            1. The term “qualified candidate” shall be interpreted to mean that not only is the candidate eligible to hold office, having been a member in good standing for the preceding eleven months prior to nomination, but that he/she has advised the chairman of the Elections Committee, in writing, that he/she is familiar with and will accept the responsibilities of office, as described in the LIMARC BYLAWS and the laws of New York State. The Elections Committee will provide proper documentation, or access to same, to each candidate.
    2. Change # 2 – eliminates frivolous or detrimental amendment requests

      Original :


      1. Any proposed amendment to these bylaws must be submitted, in writing, to the executive board which will instruct the secretary to notify the membership in writing of such proposed amendment at least ten days prior to the meeting at which the first vote is to take place

Adopted :


1. Any proposed amendment to these bylaws must be submitted by a member in good standing along with 10 additional petitioners who are also members in good standing. This request must be in writing to the executive board which will instruct the secretary to notify the membership in writing of such proposed amendment at least ten days prior to the meeting at which the first vote is to take place.


Ham Radio University