
Each committee listed in the table below is clickable and will take you to that section on this page.

Audit Hamfest Reflector –
Bylaws Interference Refreshments
Computer Net The LOG School Club Roundup
Contesting Membership Scouting
Education Memorial Fund Technical
Elections Merchandise Toy Drive
Field Day N2MEI Award Tests Sessions (VE)
50/50 Parliamentarian WAS Manager
Fox Hunting Picnic Webmaster
Good & Welfare Publicity
Greensky Public Service



Chairman: Les Ostrick K2TGW


Chairman: Gary Buchwald, W2MIT
Committee: Al Bender W2QZ, Jay Marcucci KC2YSK, Bernie Hunt K2YO

See our Bylaws Here

Computer Net

Chairman: Ken Gunther WB2KWC
Computer Nets will be on the 3rd & 4th Wednesdays at 8:30 PM on W2VL, our Glen Oaks repeater on 146.85 MHz. They’re not just laptops and desktops any more. Computers are in our cars, our televisions, and even our ham rigs. Join a group of computer enthusiasts on the LIMARC Computer Net to discuss your computer experiences. Got a question? Someone on the net may already know the answer. Working on an interesting project? We’d love to hear about it. We discuss so many interesting topics you may just want to listen even if you don’t have a question for the net.

No license? No Problem! Email your questions to
In a month where there are five weeks, we will have an FYI Net with an assortment of information.


Chairman: Mel Granick, KS2G

Contesting Information

National Contest Journal

225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111

CQ Communications
25 Newbridge Road
Hicksville, NY 11801

KA9FOX Contesting Library

KG3K Contesting Resources

Contesting Logging Software

N1MM+ (Free)




Freeware Downloads


Chairman:  Lew Malchick, N2RQ
Committee Members: Jim Campbell KD2EDX and Neil Goldstein, W2NDG
Phone: 516-765-1948
To email Joe &/or Lew:
Email Joe:

Visit the Education Program Page

Practice ham exams — Try these!
AA9PW Practice Exams
N3FJP Amateur Study
Learn CW (morse code)


Chairman: TBD
Chairwoman Emeritus: Gladys Stuart KC2YFT (SK)


Field Day

Chairman: Rob Yenis KC2ILP
Project Manager: Peter Genova KC2ZVT

Transmitters: Lew Malchick N2RQ
Computers and Logging: Ken Gunther WB2KWC
Networking: Ken Gunther WB2KWC
Antennas and Cables: Jerry Abrams WB2ZEX, Richie Cetron K2KNB
Web / Tech Support & On-site Social Media Reporter: Larry Guerrera W2LAG
Culinary: Tom Behrens KD2ESW
Email :


Chairman: Stephen Greenbaum WB2KDG

At our meetings, and at our hamfests, 50/50 drawings are held. This is an important source of revenue for the club. It gives those attending the General meetings, and hamfests, a chance to win money and the club to raise some money too. Every bit of help is much appreciated. Many thanks for going around our meeting hall, and our hamfests, and helping to raise this money! We all really appreciate it!

Fox Hunting

Chairmen: Emeritus ​Andy Kirschenbaum WA2CDL (SK) and Larry Berger WA2SUH
Email :

Come out and learn radio direction finding techniques by locating a hidden transmitter. If you have a Doppler direction finder, a handheld beam antenna, or any other radio direction finding equipment, you can lead a group of hunters to be the first ones to locate the box. Even if you do not have any equipment, you can come out and ride with some other experienced hunters and learn the ropes. We will usually have two hunts which run consecutively in the 2 meter band and also in the 220 MHz and 440 MHz band. This is a great way to have fun with your fellow hams! Dates and times of the hunts will be announced on the Monday night Info-Net.

Good & Welfare

Chairperson: Alice Malchick WB2IJY

If you have any news about yourself or other club members, or their families, both good news and news of concern, please send an e-mail to Alice. It’s not necessary to know all or even most of the details. If you hear something on a repeater or from someone else, please don’t assume that it’s known by the Chairperson. Passing on this information helps a lot. Thanks!


Chairman: Lou Giudice, NY2H

Greensky is a system of inputs throughout the area that allows us to track QRM in the area.


Co-Chairmen: Richie Cetron, K2KNB
Jay Schatzberg, KE2DFY

Email : OR or
Please visit our hamfest page to learn about our next hamfest.
To volunteer or for more information e-mail:
Talk-in on W2VL, 146.85 repeater 136.5 PL, negative ’ – ’ shift)
If you are a LIMARC member and you volunteer to help at the hamfest for at least an hour, you will be admitted free!
VOLUNTEER NOW – don’t delay! Contact Richie,


Chairman :
Email :
Please give any and all details of what you hear when there is malicious interference on our repeaters. We have a form here that you can download. Click here!


Editor : George Sullivan WB2IKT
Email :

Published each month (July and August may be combined as a “Summer” edition), the LOG is sent via U.S. Mail or electronic mail to all members. Contributions are always welcome from everyone. The deadline for article submission is the 15th of each month.

Please send all articles to George Sullivan, WB2IKT, Editor of The LIMARC LOG, before the 15th of each month at


Chairman : Sig Souza KB2HHU
Email :

If you would like to become a member of LIMARC, we have a downloadable, printable Membership Application Form. We are a club that is supported by its members, and regular users of the repeaters are asked to join the club. We thank you in advance, and hope to see you soon at one of our meetings and/or functions. To get more information on becoming a member, click HERE.

Memorial Fund (K2YEW)

Chairman : Diane Ortiz K2DO Nancy Rosner N2TKA
Email :
Inquires regarding scholarship information can be emailed to


Chairman: Richie Cetron, K2KNB
Email :

N2MEI Award

Chairman : Al Bender, W2QZ
In Memory: Howard Krimko, WF2Q(sk)

Email :
Kevin C. Kane, N2MEI, was a New York City Firefighter, and a member of LIMARC. Early on the morning of September 12, 1991, Kevin responded with Engine Company 236 to a fire in at an abandoned apartment house in the East New York section of Brooklyn.

Despite the knowledge that there might not be enough hose to reach all parts of the house, Kevin and his fellow firefighters entered the building in search of victims. Shortly thereafter, a section of burning ceiling fell on Kevin. Despite the frantic efforts of his colleagues, they were not able to reach him. Eventually he managed to jump from a window, into the bucket of a fire truck. Having been burned over most of his body, he died the next day.

In his honor, The NYFD named a fireboat The Kevin C. Kane, and created the Kevin C. Kane Medal for bravery.

In his honor, LIMARC created the N2MEI Award for outstanding public service.
This award can be given to anyone, not just LIMARC members, who are within the area covered by the LIMARC repeaters i.e., NYC-LI. We welcome your recommendation of noteworthy candidates.
Previous winners:

2019 Lew Malchick N2RQ
2009 Jim Mezey, W2KFV
1998 George Gluck, WA2WKV
1996 Mario Maltese, WF2T


Chairman: Gary Buchwald W2MIT, Les Ostrick, K2TGW (Emeritus)
Email :


Chairman: Jeff Forkos N2ION

Public Information Officer

Jim Campbell KD2EDX

Public Service

Chairmen : Ken Kobetitsch KD2GXL, ARES District Emergency Coordinator
Jim Mezey W2KFV, NLI Section Manager

LIMARC — ARES Liaison: Ken Kobetitsch KD2GXL

District Emergency Coordinator email:

Assistant District Emergency Coordinator: Rob Jagde KD2GRS

The Nassau County ARES and RACES nets are combined.
They convene every Monday at 8:00 PM on 443.525 +5 PL 114.8

Nassau County ARES is well organized, and very active, in the delivery of public service communications for large scale events and during communications emergencies, in support of the American Red Cross and Nassau County RACES. ARES meets twice monthly at Red Cross HQ at 195 Willis Ave in Mineola (rear entrance, 2nd floor). General meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of each month and training meetings occur on the 4th Thursday of each month. Meetings begin promptly at 7:30 PM.

ARES needs your support, and participation, as either an Active or as a Reserves member. You will receive hands on training in net operations, UHF/VHF voice communications, and digital modes like DMR, Packet, and NBEMS in the fully equipped radio communications facility at Red Cross. ARES focuses also on emergency preparedness training, Skywarn, ICS and NIMS for its members. We encourage you to join us in providing this vital service to our communications partners and the public.
Visit for complete information.


Reflector –

Owner: Jerry Abrams
A LIMARC Reflector is available for LIMARC members. Go here to access this reflector:

The default setting for the Reflector is to send you an email for each post. You don’t need to get these emails to be part of the Reflector. You can change your settings so that you can get one email a day, with the days postings – that’s called the Digest version. Or you can choose to get no emails, but to read the posted messages on the Reflector site.  If you have a problem changing your settings, just post on the Reflector and ask that your setting be changed for you by a Moderator. It will be done ASAP.

Before you sign on to the new Reflector, check the rules on the Reflector Rule page. You must be a member of LIMARC in good standing to be able to join the Reflector.



School Club Roundup

Chairmen: Lew Malchick N2RQ, Ken Gunther WB2KWC
Email : OR
About The School Club Roundup
By Lew Malchick, N2RQ
School Club Roundup (SCR) is sponsored by the ARRL, its Hudson Division Education Task Force and and the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club (LIMARC), to foster contacts with and among school radio clubs.

The SCR is a great way to get young operators on the air. Very often a new operator will be intimidated by the fear of not knowing what to say to the stranger on the other side of the radio. The exchange information helps to overcome this fear in a low pressure contest format. Operators are encouraged to take some time to chat beyond the contest exchange.

Award certificates will be issued for the following US and DX categories:
Schools: Elementary, Middle/Intermediate/Junior High School, High School and College/University.

In addition, non-school clubs and individuals also compete for certificates.
Join the SCR e-mail reflector by sending an e-mail to SCR-L-

Please see for more information

Scouts Liaison

Chairman: TBD
If you would like to participate in JOTA please e-mail me with your callsign, QTH, and how you would like to be involved. Would you allow scouters to come to your home, or prefer to set up a temporary location?
Remember, that participation can also include keeping your station on the air so that other stations have people to talk to. We appreciate your help!

Scouts and Jamboree On The Air — Learn More!
Are you a scout that would like to talk to another scout, perhaps in another country – on the air? Learn about JOTA! JOTA is held the third weekend in October. JOTA begins on a Saturday, so read the ARRL article and get all the info you need! It’s a great time for all, so check it out.

Read what the ARRL has to say about JOTA, “Jamboree On The Air” and join in the fun!


Chairman: George Demasi KD2FIU
Immediately following the Monday night INFO NET. Buy, sell, trade ham and related equipment.


Chairmen: Charlie Reiter KE2AWX, Lou Giudice NY2H
Eric Spiegel KE2EJ (SK)

Email :
Bernie K2YO, Bob W2OSR, Lou NY2H, Richie K2KNB, Pat WB2CMF, John KD2AKX,
Steve WB2ZSE, Steve WB2WAK, Rob KD2GRS

The LIMARC Technical Committee is responsible for maintaining the clubs 6 repeater systems and the packet platform. Our main repeaters are powered by Mastr III repeaters with a voting system covering all of Nassau County. In addition Nassau County and Suffolk County are interconnected by the two 2M repeaters. The new DMR repeater is a Motorola MTR300.

Both the 2M network and the 70cm repeater are connected to both Echolink and IRLP. The DMR repeater is connected through the Bronx Turbo DMR System.

If you have a problem with any of our systems or suggestions for improvement, please contact us at and we will get right on fixing the problem.

We also encourage you to join the LIMARC email group at This where any system update information is release and where operations of our equipment are discussed.

Toy Drive

Chairman : Rich Selzer N2WJL
Email :
Pictures from the toys for tots given after our Holiday Party are in our Photo Album
Please remember to bring an unwrapped toy to the LIMARC Holiday Party/Parties for toys for tots! You need only spend $5 to $10 on each toy for each person coming to the party and the hospital asks that the toys not be too furry. Thanks and hope to cu there!

Every year at our Holiday Party, the people who come to eat and enjoy the company of friends during the holiday season, also bring an unused, unwrapped toy to donate. It’s a small way of giving back and it’s very much appreciated by the children.

VE Exams- Ham Exams

Co-Chairman : Al Bender W2QZ Jim Mezey, W2KFV
Email : OR
phone: 516-623-6449 & Jim W2KFV
Go To Exam Webpage with schedules and directions
VE Sessions are where people can take examinations to become licensed amateur radio operators, “ham” radio operators. If you are interested in becoming a ham there are a number of electronic stores that sell books to study for your Amateur Radio Exam. Just check the date on the book to make sure that the book you are looking at will cover the upcoming tests. Tests do change on a regular basis, so c’mon and get studying! The Internet has many learning sources and LIMARC’S Link page shows many places with many links. Many of the links lead to other links, so browse as you learn.
You can also go to this ARRL site to learn more about how to become a ham from the national association for Amateur Radio, the ARRL. Check the Education section on this site to learn about upcoming classes. If no class schedule is posted, feel free to email one of our Education chairmen.

WAS Manager (Worked All States)

Chairman : John Reiser, W2GW
DXCC Card Checking

Email :
Worked all states?
DXCC ? Congrats!
Cards will be checked and verified for various ARRL awards.


Chairman : Larry Guerrera W2LAG

Our website is an important part of what we do. It’s one of the first places a prospective member or soon-to-be-ham may go to find out more. If you’d like to contribute to the website to forward this mission, please pass your ideas on to us. All contributions will be happily received!