February 23rd Hamfest
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Parkway, Hicksville, NY 11801
Vendor Set Up begins @ 7 AM
Doors Open @ 8:45 AM to Buyers
Amateur Radio Dealers & Equipment
VE Session @ 10 AM
Tune-Up Clinic (Get your rig checked!)
LCD Monitors, Computers, CB Equipment, ARRL Information
Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club Information
DXCC and WAS Card Checking
Ask about our upcoming Raffle Drawing to be held on March 12th. You do not have to be present.
Grand Prize: Yaesu FTM 500D Dual Band VHF and UHF Fusion C4FM Radio donated by DX Engineering
2nd Prize: Hand Held Satellite Antenna donated by Arrow Antenna
3rd Prize: TinySA (Spectrum Analyzer) donated by KJI Electronics
Raffle Tickets must be bought in person. Tickets are $5 each, 5 for $20.
12 Noon – NLI and Hudson Division Q & A in the small room. All welcome.
Ask Section Manager Jim Mezey, W2KFV, and Division Director Ed Wilson, N2XDD, your questions about what is happening at the ARRL.
All participants must follow NYS and Nassau County Health COVID-19 protocols.
Licensed ham’s non-licensed spouse & children under 12 are free.
Free Parking!
Food & Refreshments Available!
Door Prizes!
Have a Few Items to Sell? LIMARC will have a table set up to sell items for others. There’s no charge to club members. Non-members pay just 10% of their selling price. Please make sure to mark your price clearly on the item.
FOR VENDORS: One $22 space includes a 6 foot table & chairs. Bring your own table for $16 per space and you’ll still get chairs! If bringing your own table, you must notify us by November 1st. The $8 Admission Fee is separate.
7 AM Vendor Set Up: Close in and drop off parking for Vendors. Vendors must comply with NY State Sales Tax Laws. The sale of guns, ammunition or pornographic material is prohibited. Send your check to LIMARC, P.O. Box 392, Levittown, NY 11756-0392. Use the vendor registration form at the top of this page.
Limited Selling Spaces! Only some spaces have electric available. Reserve your Space Now!
Talk-In on W2VL Repeater @ 146.850 (136.5 PL)
For more information, contact our Hamfest Chair Richie K2KNB at 516-694-4937