Virtual Hamfest January 26th
Virtual Hamfest / Auction via Zoom.
Sunday, January 26, 2025. 9 AM to approximately 12 Noon.
Auction bidding and door prizes.
Please use the following link to register. You must be registered to participate. There is no charge to join.
You will receive a confirmation email with Zoom login instructions.
Check back for additional listings, pictures, and pricing!
New and used equipment up for auction.
⇒ Antenna Rotator and Controllers
⇒ Duplexers
⇒ Accessory Items
⇒ Wattmeters
⇒ Palstar AT 2K Manual Tuner
⇒Daiwa CNW 518 Tuner
⇒ Antique Radios
⇒ Swan 500 and power supply – Parts or Repair
⇒ Swan Signet working
⇒ MFJ 20 meter SSB QRP
⇒ Dummy Loads
⇒ Russian made 811A Vacuum Tubes
⇒ Yaesu FT 950 Working with SP 2000 Speaker
⇒ Tempo 2 meter transceiver
⇒ Analog and Digital Meters’ Rektronix TekMeter
⇒ Power Supplies Astron RS 20M, RS 35M